[BAA Comets] 2013 March 13 observation of C/2011 L4 (PanSTARRS)

Nick James ndj at nickdjames.com
Thu Mar 14 07:26:42 GMT 2013

The weather over the UK last night came good at the right time and I 
managed my first observation of this comet at 19:00 UTC when it was 
around 4 deg above the western horizon. It was easily visible in 8x30 
bins but not with the naked eye.

I've put some processed images here:


and there is a short timelapse movie made up of 2.5s frames here:


A very rough magnitude estimate based on a mag +6.5 star on the image 
near the comet gives it at around +1.5. It's certainly not the 
spectacular object that we hoped it would be but it was still exciting 
to pick it up in the bright twilight. It should still be a good object 
as it moves into darker skies.


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