[BAA Comets] C/2011 L4 (PanSTARRS) update

OWEN BRAZELL o.brazell at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 19 18:26:58 GMT 2013

If the weather is at all promisig I will be at Kelling.


 From: Nick James <ndj at nickdjames.com>
To: OWEN BRAZELL <o.brazell at btinternet.com>; BAA Comets discussion list <comets-disc at britastro.org> 
Cc: denis buczynski <buczynski8166 at btinternet.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, 19 March 2013, 7:27
Subject: Re: [BAA Comets] C/2011 L4 (PanSTARRS) update

> Denis this rant does not become you. I have seen many comets over thirty + years and although I have seen L4 three times now at no point (yet) has it become naked eye from my location.

I wouldn't characterise Denis' comments as a rant. I think he, like I, found your comments a little negative. This is particularly so since I've heard you get excited about a faint deep sky object that is at the limit of visibility in a large Dob and which doesn't change from one year to the next!

Anyway, each to his own. I think this comet has been fantastic. Clearly it is not a Hale-Bopp, Hyakutake or McNaught (C/1995 01, C/1996 B2 or C/2006 P1) but I've enjoyed the hunt over the last couple of weeks. I've only had one view so far due to the dodgy weather in the south east but seeing it with its tail in the bright twilight was worth a lot of effort.

I'll see you at Kelling (assuming it's not flooded) and we can discuss further...


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