[BAA Comets] More 2012 S1 and 2013 R1 Lovejoy

DENIS BUCZYNSKI buczynski8166 at btinternet.com
Sat Nov 9 12:35:57 GMT 2013

Hello Peter, 

Well done imaging these morning comets. There are not many able to do so, for various reasons. So yours are a good addition. Keep up the morning vigils.

I would ask you though, that if you want me to archive your comet images on the BAA Comet Gallery, that you send the images to me using the standard archiving file name format rather than sending a link to the images which are named in your own convention. For me to archive your images I need to down load them from your site and then rename them. If I did this for every image that was submitted I would not be able to keep up, especially as there may be a large number of images submitted after periehlion, if the comet is bright. I hope you will understand this request. We do want you to submit your excellent images for our archive now and in the future. My standard set of file naming instructions is copied below this message.
Best wishes

It is good to hear that you will post your comet images to me for archiving in the COMET SECTION.
All you need to do is to email me the images as jpeg attachments to the email and I will load them onto the Comet Gallery. You can email them directly to me at

buczynski8166 at btinternet.com
or email them to
cometobs at britastro.org

Send as many images as you want in one email as separate files.
It is important to save the image using our archiving file naming convention such as
this runs like this

object designation underscore date underscore time underscore observer name

Also it is good practise to annotate the observational data onto the image itself as this ensures that the detail will always remain with the image. Any other information that is addional to the raw observational details can be written as a note in the email. I will then add this to the archive file on the BAA COMET GALLERY.
Have a look at my latest image of 2013r1 taken this morning to at the link below.
Denis Buczynski


> From: Peter Carson <petercarson100 at gmail.com>
>To: comets-disc at britastro.org 
>Sent: Saturday, 9 November 2013, 10:17
>Subject: [BAA Comets] More 2012 S1 and 2013 R1 Lovejoy
>Hi All,
>The sky was much clearer this morning (Saturday 9th Nov) so I had another bash imaging. Follow the links below to images I took of 2012 S1 and 2013 R1 from urban Southend on sea in Essex. This morning I've recorded more than a degree of tail of 2012 S1. 
>I wasn't sure if I could see 2012 S1 ISON in my 7x 50 or 11x80 binoculars because the sky was light polluted and there was a confusing faint star close by. 2013 R1 Lovejoy was an easy binocular object but no tail could be seen visually.
>Ran out of time to find the other morning comets....everything takes longer at that early hour !!
>Peter Carson
>Comets-disc mailing list
>Comets-disc at britastro.org

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