[BAA Comets] C/2012 S1 20131112 gas tail structure

DENIS BUCZYNSKI buczynski8166 at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 12 07:01:17 GMT 2013

Hello all, 

I imaged this comet within the ast two hours and find that there is much more detail in the tail now. Along straight main gas tail and at least one more streamer mixed in the now broad dust tail. In my wide field image the dust tail splits into two sections at the furthest point from the head. The comet is now looking very active and is developing quickly now.
My images from this morning are placed on the Comet Gallery of The British Astronimical Association at the links below.

I am looking forward to seeing the colour images taken later today from the robotic telescopes.
Imaging this comet now is becoming more difficult as it rapidly closes in on its close brush with the Sun in a few days time.

Denis Buczynski
Tarbatness Highland Scotland


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