[BAA Comets] Use of light pollution filters

Peter Carson petercarson100 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 14 13:33:52 GMT 2013

Hi All,
What do people think about the use of an IDAS Light pollution suppression filter for comet images?
I do my comet imaging without any filters whatsoever to maintain any scientific value of the raw data. I also image "pretty pictures" and use all kinds of filters including IDAS LPS filters. 
My observatory is in a heavily light polluted urban area and I know the aesthetic image quality can be improved by the use of a filter but want peoples views as to whether that compromises the RAW data.
PS, below is a link to yesterday mornings 2013R1 image showing a gas tail over 1 degree long stretching out of the camera's field of view.

Peter Carson

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