[BAA Comets] C/2012S1 NOV 17 inner coma

DENIS BUCZYNSKI buczynski8166 at btinternet.com
Sun Nov 17 17:49:11 GMT 2013

Hello all,
I imaged the comet this morning in fairly poor conditions of thin cloud and full moonlight, however could see the same features that Erik Bryssinck has described as coma wings in his post earlier today seen on his images of Nov 15.These wings seem to emanate from 
an area of the pseudo nucleus that is some distance from the furthest 
forward point. The brightest point in my images of the inner coma this 
morning seem to show a slightly elongated shape. Perhaps this is an 
instumental effect. My image taken this morning is at the following link:


Denis Buczynski
Tarbatness Highland Scotland

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