[BAA Comets] C/2012 X1 outburst

Andrew Robertson alphacentauri at tesco.net
Thu Oct 24 10:27:15 BST 2013

Brilliant Nick, so reminiscent of 'Holmes'.

Hi all, this is my first posting on this group and just a test message
really. Encouraged by Denis's image the previous day I had a good old
fashioned look for it last night between 7pm and 7.35pm scanning the area
with a pair of 15 x 70 tripod mounted binoculars from my South Norfolk
location. By 7.20pm I pinned down exactly where it was in the faint star
field (< 8 degs alt). At 7.28pm (6 degs alt) I suspected I saw a 'fuzz' but
to be honest it was only because I knew where to look and I can't say I
definitely saw it. Usual problem of darkening sky v atmospheric extinction
as it gets lower.

Ironically, I was out between 2am and 6am, collimating and testing a new
telescope on double stars with some observations of Jupiter in-between. It
was very cold with a mild frost towards the end, didn't have my thermals on
and I packed up cold and numb. I totally forgot about C/2012 X1 in my numbed
and tired state, could probably have got a visual at 17 degs alt in a dark
sky with a 9" Russian Mak-Cass, damn!

Andrew Robertson

-----Original Message-----
From: comets-disc-bounces at britastro.org
[mailto:comets-disc-bounces at britastro.org] On Behalf Of Nick James
Sent: 24 October 2013 07:20
To: BAA Comets discussion list
Subject: [BAA Comets] C/2012 X1 outburst

Morning all,

I managed to get this comet as it rose above the rooftops this morning and
my image is here:


The coma diameter is now around 3.3 arcmin and lots of detail is visible.

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