[BAA Comets] 2012 S1 (ISON)

Shanklin, Jonathan D. jdsh at bas.ac.uk
Thu Oct 24 14:15:02 BST 2013

Thanks go to all of you that have contributed visual or visual equivalent magnitudes in ICQ format.  I've just updated the analysis of 2012 S1 on the basis of the observations received this week.  Although the comet appears to be still brightening, the overall light curve (see the web page) suggests that the comet is brightening more slowly than a purely reflective body and gives a perihelion magnitude of around -2.  The Moon may have affected some of the observations, and will continue to do so until towards the end of the month, by which time the comet should be brighter than 8th magnitude.  Unless the rate of brightening changes it will not be a particularly easy naked eye object from light polluted sites.  More observations would be welcome.

Also don't miss out on the other comets in the morning sky - 2P/Encke, 2012 X1 and 2013 R1 all of which should be visible in large binoculars if conditions are good.  2013 R1 still looks on track to become a naked eye object.

Jonathan Shanklin

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