[BAA Comets] Newly-discovered COMET C/2014 H1 (CHRISTENSEN)

Richard Miles rmiles.btee at btinternet.com
Fri Apr 25 17:58:32 BST 2014

Just announced via an MPEC.

The comet was found just 8 days after perihelion passage.
Is this the latest example of a comet discovered owing to an outburst near perihelion, I wonder?
It is rather faint though, so maybe not.

Richard Miles


Extract from:
M.P.E.C. 2014-H33 Issued 2014 Apr. 25, 15:56 UT

Orbital elements:
C/2014 H1 (Christensen)
T 2014 Apr. 16.77248 TT MPC
q 2.1423616 (2000.0) P Q
Peri. 169.80885 -0.79169727 -0.24352574
Node 34.68487 -0.60652533 +0.42305083
e 1.0 Incl. 100.08076 -0.07309206 -0.87276756
>From 35 observations 2014 Apr. 24-25.

C/2014 H1 (Christensen)
Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 m2
2014 03 26 16 24 33.8 +07 26 47 1.5023 2.1576 117.9 24.1 18.7
2014 04 10 15 39 48.5 +03 29 43 1.2654 2.1438 141.8 16.8 18.3
2014 04 18 15 06 56.4 +00 32 41 1.1849 2.1424 156.3 10.9 18.2
2014 04 24 14 39 09.2 -01 59 41 1.1535 2.1440 166.4 6.3 18.1
2014 04 25 14 34 21.6 -02 26 08 1.1510 2.1445 167.7 5.7 18.1
2014 04 26 14 29 32.4 -02 52 45 1.1493 2.1451 168.7 5.3 18.1
2014 05 02 14 00 30.6 -05 33 20 1.1558 2.1498 167.0 6.0 18.1
2014 05 10 13 23 40.9 -08 56 39 1.2082 2.1597 153.6 12.0 18.3
2014 05 25 12 28 54.3 -14 02 01 1.4146 2.1888 128.0 21.4 18.7

Gareth V. Williams (C) Copyright 2014 MPC M.P.E.C. 2014-H33

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