[BAA Comets] William Bradfield passes away!

amar sharma amar10sharmaa at yahoo.co.in
Mon Jun 16 10:43:19 BST 2014

Hello BAA Comet Section,

I regret to inform you all that William Bradfield, the the legendary comet hunter who discovered all 18 visual comet-bradfields, passed away on June 9 at age 86. He had been suffering from prolonged illness. Rodney Austin informs me of this after which I bring it to you. The world quite does not know about it yet; nothing even on Google. But there has been a discussion going on an Australian forum about it, which confirms the fact:


I have just sent an Obituary write up on William Bradfield to S&T.com and Astronomy.com. I hope it officially comes up soon. Still, you may find my write up as an attachment with this email.

It is personally a major loss for me because he was a part of my planned documentary film and I was actually planning to fly out first to him when the documentary would have begun. I missed it by little...I will always regret that.

This is a very tragic loss for our comet community. RIP Bradfield. :-(

Regards, Amar.
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