[BAA Comets] 2015 F4 Jacques

OWEN BRAZELL o.brazell at btinternet.com
Tue Aug 11 17:19:41 BST 2015

Sounds like another training session at Kelling then Andrew :-)

     On Tuesday, 11 August 2015, 13:00, Andrew Robertson <alphacentauri at tesco.net> wrote:

 Morning all,


Got a visual observation of above comet with my 600mm newtonian driven
Dobsonian last night. It had a small bit of Coma/Tail to it and I made two
sketches. Two because when doing the first one I noticed it had moved after
only a couple of minutes so had to amend the time of my observation. There
is a very distinct movement between the two sketches only 16 minutes apart.
With the 8mm Ethos (x340) a small faint stubby tail was noticeable. With
4.7mm Ethos (x575) the tail wasn't as extended - too low SB I presume for
this power but it did almost look like it had two cores which I presume was
it moving over a faint star. Anyway an enjoyable observation. N.B. I did
have to find this manually as I haven't managed to download comet empherides
to the Argo-Navis unit yet. But once found the drive system kept it nicely
in the FOV which made it a lot easier to sketch. Did also get a nice view of
2014 Q2 Lovejoy which is a lot bigger and brighter visually than the stated
one magnitude difference between these comets would suggest.








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