[BAA Comets] Visual equivalent magnitude of C/2013 US10

Andrew Robertson alphacentauri at tesco.net
Sun Dec 20 11:32:56 GMT 2015

Well done Nick,

I've set my alarm for the early hours several times in the last week to no avail, although I did get a glimpse for all of 5 seconds on one morning!

Tomorrow morning looking very promising - I will get the 18" on it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Comets-disc [mailto:comets-disc-bounces at britastro.org] On Behalf Of Nick James
Sent: 20 December 2015 10:54
To: Comets-disc at britastro.org
Subject: [BAA Comets] Visual equivalent magnitude of C/2013 US10

This morning presented my first opportunity in a while to image C/2013
US10 from Chelmsford. Unfortunately there was still a lot of drifting cloud and I had to wait rather late to get some frames that were not too badly affected by cloud. My wide-field image with an SXVR-H18 on the back of a Megrez 72, f/6 is here:


It is not a very deep image due to the rapidly increasing sky brightness and some drifting cloud but I get a total magnitude of 6.84 using my median technique.

Half an hour earlier I got an image using iTelescope T07 at Nerpio, Spain (SBIG STL-11000, 0.43m, f/6.8). The sky was clear but the dawn was coming up fast so, again, the image is not particularly deep:


I get a magnitude of 6.76 using this system which is remarkably similar to the much smaller system in Chelmsford which is encouraging.

The current COBS visual estimates are around 6.2 - 6.4.

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