[BAA Comets] Fw: Animation of 2013US10 tail features from this morning 21st Dec

Shanklin, Jonathan D. jdsh at bas.ac.uk
Mon Dec 21 21:47:17 GMT 2015

If I've done the sums correctly its about 200 km/sec, though I have made several approximations.


Jonathan Shanklin
From: Comets-disc <comets-disc-bounces at britastro.org> on behalf of Peter Carson <petercarson100 at gmail.com>
Sent: 21 December 2015 21:28
To: BAA comet group
Subject: [BAA Comets] Fw: Animation of 2013US10 tail features from this morning 21st Dec

Opps the link didn’t work. Try it again below.

From: Peter Carson
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2015 9:27 PM
To: BAA comet group
Subject: Animation of 2013US10 tail features from this morning 21st Dec

Hi all,

I was plagued with broken cloud this morning but did manage some images of C/2013US10.  As the 120 second exposures appeared on my observatory PC monitor it was obvious  there was activity in the gas tail.

I’ve put together this 4 frame animation showing features moving down the tail. The four frames span 6 minutes between 06.05UT and 06.11UT.


The coma is just off the image and the frame is 36 arc mins wide.

It sure must be “windy” up there!!

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