[BAA Comets] Unusual sungrazing comet - possibly

Shanklin, Jonathan D. jdsh at bas.ac.uk
Fri Feb 20 18:47:20 GMT 2015

See also http://sungrazer.nrl.navy.mil/index.php?p=recent


Jonathan Shanklin
From: Roger Dymock [roger.dymock at ntlworld.com]
Sent: 20 February 2015 15:08
To: comets-disc at britastro.org
Subject: [BAA Comets] Unusual sungrazing comet - possibly

Carol Bryan of the Hampshire Astronomical Group notified me of this comet which was reported on the
Space Weather website.

It is unusual in that it doesn't follow the orbits of the known Sungrazer groups. Other reports
suggest that it may not be as close to the Sun as those types of comets. I looked at it on the SOHO
C3 camera (wider angle than the C2) and you can see it coming in quite faint from about the 1
0'clock position and passing 'under' the Sun by which time it has brightened considerably. If you
want to see it go to; http://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/soho_movie_theater and select;

Image Type, LASCO C3
Resolution, 512 but doesn't really matter
Star date, 2015-02-19
End date, 2015-02-20

Something strange happens after it passes below the Sun in that it just disappears. To see this
Enter 95 in Frame Start and 120 in Stop
Start (or Step)

It is there at about 8 o'clock on frames 95 to 115 and then not on 116 and after.



Roger Dymock
Email: roger.dymock at ntlworld.com
Tel: 023 92647986
Skype: rogerdymock67 or
Skype: rjvdymock
Project Alcock http://www.britastro.org/projectalcock/

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