[BAA Comets] C/2016 R2 passing the Pleiades

Nick James ndj at nickdjames.com
Sat Feb 10 09:04:39 GMT 2018

Denis Buczynski and I took this image from Tarbatness in Highland 
Scotland last night. Unfortunately, after a really clear day the night 
was quite hazy and we only managed to get a short stack in a clear spot. 
This is a 5x30s stack centred on 2018-02-09, 19:34 using a WO Z61 (61mm, 
f/5.9) and a Sony A7s at ISO3200. The FoV is 5.7x3.8 deg. I'm impressed 
how deep you can go in a dark sky with such a short exposure and small 
aperture. The Z61 is also very well corrected with nice stars all the 
way to the edge of the full-frame sensor.

It looks like we might get another chance this evening. When it is clear 
the sky up here is pretty much as good as I have seen anywhere and that 
includes places like La Palma.


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