[BAA Comets] 174P Echeclus long exposure tonight

Richard Miles rmiles.btee at btinternet.com
Fri Jan 5 19:27:00 GMT 2018


Good to see you are keeping a close watch on 174P: a comet that has much in 
common with 29P/S-W1, which had an orbit rather similar to 174P a couple of 
thousand years ago according to the work of Alessandro Odasso. You have 
started amass a nice series of images as the dust and debris from the 
outburst expands into the vacuum of space.

I see that 174P is just approaching its stationary point this weekend moving 
at just 0.016 "/min so a good time to take deep images.
Unfortunately, its path takes it in p.a. 330 deg or so passing between the 
two stars next to the comet as shown in your latest stacked image.

Today I managed to mount my new scope and the weather forecast is clear for 
Sunday evening when 174P arrives at its stationary point. So will see if can 
give it a go on Sunday. Like I say, the coma will be spoilt by the two 
background stars and if the seeing is poor than the result might not be that 

Hopefully several folk will give it a go during the coming nights.

Richard Miles

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Carson" <petercarson100 at gmail.com>
To: "BAA Comets discussion list" <comets-disc at lists.britastro.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2018 10:01 PM
Subject: [BAA Comets] 174P Echeclus long exposure tonight

> Hi All,
> See http://www.astromania.co.uk/174P_20180104_1915_PCarson.jpg for my 48 
> minute exposure of 174P Echeclus earlier this evening 2017 Jan 4th. It 
> appears to be showing a faint near circular "shell". Is anyone else seeing 
> this?
> My other 174P images are here 
> http://www.astromania.co.uk/comet_174p_echeclus.html
> Peter Carson
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