[BAA Comets] C/2016 R2 in outburst

Charles S Morris cometguy3783 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 11 05:01:51 BST 2019

On August 2.2 and 6.2, m1= 15.8On August 8.2, m1=15.3On August 9.2, m1=15.1
Dia ~30"  It is clearly brighter on the recent images.
Clouds interfered on August 7.2 and I took a night off from evening comets on August 10.2  (thinking they were boring - sigh).  I am planning to observe it in a few minutes.
Charles MorrisDreamweaver Observatory, Fillmore, CA
PS., I am exhausted from early morning observing on five straight days (and planning another session tomorrow morning).  Then I rest for a few days - I think.
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