[BAA Comets] C/2019 Y4 ATLAS lat night 6-7 April

Peter Tickner peter.tickner1472 at btinternet.com
Tue Apr 7 16:48:49 BST 2020

This equally processed comparison of three successive sets, each of
85x60seconds through my 356mm SCT, seems to show the comet becoming slightly
more diffuse - the latter individual sub-frames are visibly less bright
around the coma than the first sub-frames.  The top image is the first 85,
the middle the second and the lower image the last ones, from the early
hours of 7th April.   The negative image clearly shows the elongated coma.


It may be my imagination but in some sub-frames there appears to be a clear
change in the shape of the coma and more obvious scattering of debris almost
at 45 degrees in others.  All my images were guided off-axis on a star in
the field of view. 





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