[BAA Comets] Comet Section meeting. Saturday 18th May.

Nick James ndj at nickdjames.com
Sun Feb 17 09:08:41 GMT 2019

This year's Comet Section meeting will be held in York on Saturday, May 
18. It is the date of Full Moon so, with apologies to the Lunar Section, 
you might as well attend a meeting since there will be no observing to 
be done!

A lot has happened in the two years since the last meeting and we have a 
great line-up of speakers to keep you up to date with everything new in 
the comet world. The venue is only 10 minutes walk from York mainline 
railway station and so it is easily accesible to people from all over 
the UK and beyond. Everyone (members and non-members) is welcome but an 
email to me would be appreciated if you intend to come so that I can get 
an idea of numbers. Entry for members is free but we ask for a small 
contribution (£3) from non-members to cover the cost of morning and 
afternoon tea/coffee.

Full details are on the BAA webpage:


Nick James. Director.

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