[BAA Comets] William Bradfield passes away!

amar sharma amar10sharmaa at yahoo.co.in
Mon Jun 16 19:07:51 BST 2014

Hello BAA Comet Section,

My article on Astronomy.com goes online. Please find it here:


RIP Bradfield. You will be missed but never forgotten.

I need to tell you folks that I am in the process of finding funding for a documentary film on veteran comet hunters in collaboration with the British film making team (I had posted a long email about it) and Bradfield was the first on list, ever since I heard from Lovejoy past October that he is undergoing memory loss and ill health. Same thing with Jones. I will regret this fact that my ill timing made me miss these two souls when I could have filmed them during their last days.

Mr Denis B. knew of the urgency of my project since I was in communication with him. With this news NOW you all know the urgency of filming the aged comet hunters. Missed reaching out to Bradfield by little.

Thank you, Amar.

On Monday, 16 June 2014 4:48 PM, amar sharma <amar10sharmaa at yahoo.co.in> wrote:

Hello BAA Comet Section,

I regret to inform you all that William Bradfield, the the legendary comet hunter who discovered all 18 visual comet-bradfields, passed away on June 9 at age 86. He had been suffering from prolonged illness. Rodney Austin informs me of this after which I bring it to you. The world quite does not know about it yet; nothing even on Google. But there has been a discussion going on an Australian forum about it, which confirms the fact:


I have just sent an Obituary write up on William Bradfield to S&T.com and Astronomy.com. I hope it officially comes up soon. Still, you may find my write up as an attachment with this email.

It is personally a major loss for me because he was a part of my planned documentary film and I was actually planning to fly out first to him when the documentary would have begun. I missed it by little...I will always regret that.

This is a very tragic loss for our comet community. RIP Bradfield. :-(

Regards, Amar.
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